This 3-day short course is designed to be industry-specific but not brand-specific, and it will cover the fundamentals of dredging and aggregate-related topics.
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Discover more information regarding dredge design and manufacturing, including reports and insights from industry experts.
November 15th, 2022
Categories: Dredges Hydraulic Dredge
Written for the aggregate producer, this report navigates the complexities of benchmarking hydraulic dredge production to assist aggregate industry professionals in determining the...
August 8th, 2013
Categories: Electrification Dredges
With diesel fuel prices expected to hold at $3.00+ per gallon through 2013, converting diesel dredges and booster pumps to electric power can result in a 50% to 60% savings in mont...
Many factors contribute to limitations in the throughput of cutter suctions dredge. While most performance data available from cutter suction dredge manufactures outlines theoretic...
With energy costs soaring and spoil areas shrinking, transporting dredge slurry at the optimum flow rate and concentration is paramount.
June 7th, 2010
Over the past 10+ years, many new products have entered the market that also apply to the dredge manufacturing processes. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM's) are spending more...
June 1st, 2010
Category: Design
This paper will take us through the steps involved in the design and manufacture of the deepest mining dredge in the Western Hemisphere.
March 9th, 2009
Category: Efficiency
Many references to “dredging efficiency” exist in publications pertaining to the dredging industry but there exists, in my opinion, an absence of reference to the individual co...