This 3-day short course is designed to be industry-specific but not brand-specific, and it will cover the fundamentals of dredging and aggregate-related topics.
A representative will be in contact to answer any questions you have! If you need immediate assistance click here to find the number that best fits your need.
Workboats are multifunction vessels designed to provide dredge support and auxiliary work for the dredging site.
Every jobsite is different. And sometimes a standard workboat isn’t suitable or even prepared for unique working conditions. That’s why DSC works with you to design every aspect of your workboat—from size and power to personal preferences—to ensure that you have the equipment necessary for optimum safety and efficiency.
Workboats are often called upon to transport personnel, fuel, and other necessary items to the operating dredge; push or tow the dredge or transport barge; assist in mounting or removal of floating pipes; and assist during repair and maintenance of dredge equipment.
Our customers routinely overcome challenging conditions with tailored solutions engineered by DSC. Our workboats can be outfitted with a full range of options, including upgrades to the pilot house, crews’ quarters, deck cranes, and completely original features that may be implemented by request.
Please fill out the form to request more information. We look forward to hearing from you.
Planned Downtime (Preventative Maintenance) Caused Losses
Unplanned Downtime (Corrective Maintenance) Caused Losses
Benefit Losses Caused By Ineffectiveness & Inefficiency
(Operations, maintenance, support, reduced output quality, reduced capacity, slow switch-over, start-up, calibration, etc.)
Life Cycle Profit Generated In Active Uptime
Maintenance Costs
Operational Costs
Capital Costs
Benefits & Costs