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Muddy Water Dredging Sets a New Standard with Fastest 24 Ft. Dredge

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Background Information

Customer: Muddy Water Dredging

Location: New Orleans, LA

Application: Waterway Dredging

DSC Dredge Model: Marlin Class

The Challenge

Muddy Water Dredging, LP, approached DSC Dredge with a request to build a state-of-the-art dredge that could easily clear the Calcasieu River, which is 400 feet wide, in a single pass. 

Our Solution

The US Army Corp of Engineers is responsible for maintaining navigable waterways throughout the United States, which are constantly filling in with sediment. Muddy Water Dredging works alongside the Corp to keep these channels deep-draft, ensuring ships can come and go to transport goods and support the economy. 

They chose DSC to design their brand new dredge because of DSC’s expertise and unmatched customization capabilities. At 371 feet, the Veneta Marie is one of the longest and fastest 24” dredges in the United States with the capability of dredging a 400’ wide cut in a single pass, utilizing an 80° swing arc. 

“This project has evolved over the last three years, into one of the most dynamic 24” dredges that has ever been manufactured. It took over 100,000 man hours from every discipline we have,” added Robert Wetta, President and CEO, DSC Dredge.

In Louisiana, Muddy Water Dredging will utilize this dredge to effectively clear the Calcasieu River in a single pass, instead of requiring two passes along the west bank and east bank, respectively. Its capabilities also allow boat traffic to pass through without having to shut down operations to move the dredge.

“This Marlin Class Dredge is a true beacon on a hill. It has a total installed 9,621 HP, and delivers 6,830 kW of electrical power, while elevating safety standards for the crew and the environment. Its air emissions are second to none,” added Michael Kerns, President and Co-Owner, Muddy Water Dredging. 

The Veneta Marie is equipped with DSC’s survey-grade DSC VISION package which allows the operator to see the material in real time as they dredge and instantaneously adjust depth or swing speed to ensure the channel is being cleared effectively. The dredge is also equipped with DSC’s Dredge Quality Management (DQM) system for automated USACE reporting, and the Dredge Rx remote monitoring package which alerts the crew in advance of a potential failure, improving uptime and operational output. 

Muddy Water Dredging is setting a new standard for safety, efficiency and ingenuity with their revolutionary, custom-built Marlin Class dredge, the Veneta Marie—designed and engineered by DSC Dredge to be the most efficient vessel in its class.

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