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DSC Dredge is a world leader in portable dredging equipment and dredge innovation.
DSC Vision is a highly innovative, user-friendly bottom visualization system that allows dredge operators and managers to “stop dredging in the dark.”
DSC offers automation packages for booster control, dredge and plant integration, remote data access, and any other custom design you may desire.
DSC has extended its Dredge RX remote connectivity into the DSC Vision system allowing it to be monitored and updated anywhere in the world. DSC has also integrated the DSC Vision system into its dredge control system to assist the operator in dredge navigation and production.
Explore our extensive list of automation controls that will take your dredge to the next level. Options include flow control, production monitoring, GPS Mine Planning, and more. The most cost-effective way to update an older dredge is to add an automation package.