DSC Will Gather Customers’ Unique Stories For Publication On New Website
Louisiana-based DSC Dredge, LLC, will have its experts on hand in booth #1725 at AGG1 Aggregates Academy & Expo, March 22-24, 2016, in Nashville, Tennessee, to discuss customers’ specific dredging challenges, learning their unique stories and offering DSC’s customized dredging solutions.
DSC believes that every dredge begins with a story. Every dredging application is different, and every dredge operator works under unique conditions. DSC’s dredging solutions are rooted in a number of base models that are then customized to match the customer’s goals. Prior to making any recommendations, the company executes a rigorous process of talking with customers to establish the immediate and long-term application parameters and obtain the necessary information to recommend the right dredge. This information may include factors such as dredging depths, types of materials, distance and elevation to discharge, portability requirements and access to power grids. As leaders in the field of dredging solutions—from the simple to the most complicated custom dredges for special applications—DSC strives to understand the distinct characteristics of every operation’s requirements. Only then will the company recommend a definitive solution.
During AGG1, in celebration of launching its new website, DSC is encouraging customers to stop by its booth and tell their own dredge stories. With every dredge story shared, customers will be entered for a drawing to win $1,000 in dredge parts. Dredge stories will be included on the new DSC Dredge website and in other industry-related company and public communication tools.
For more than 20 years, DSC has focused its expertise on the design and manufacture of customized portable cutter suction dredges of all sizes and purposes for the dredging markets. DSC Dredge units are in use throughout the world in aggregates, mining, construction, environmental, navigational, recreational, restoration and specialty projects.
DSC’s base dredges include six different model lines, designed for different basic applications, which are further customized for specific customer requirements. The Marlin Class deep mining dredge has been designed as an efficient method for excavating deep mining deposits, with its underwater pump system and high-torque cutter drive. The Shark Class cutter suction dredge is a tough, yet portable design, most commonly used in the sand and aggregate production arena. Often called the contractor’s “dream machine,” the Barracuda Class dredge features a swinging-ladder design, used most often in waterway maintenance and lake revitalization projects. DSC’s Moray Class conventional/swinging-ladder dredge was designed around the concept of a versatile design in a smaller portable dredge package that is unmatched in the industry, and often used in environmental cleanup and irrigation applications. Rounding out the line are the Badger Class and the Wolverine Class dredges, designed for the contractor, with a compact, yet portable design that is fully functional by one operator. Several of the DSC models are available with electric power for operations requiring sustainable attributes.